Trainees coming in form 1 who must have past the SKILLTEC entrance examination with a score of 75% and above shall be awarded Grace Scholarship to be trained in SKILLTEC. NB: Valid for 5 years except his or her performance dropped during the five years, the school has the right to withdraw the scholarship.
Donate inTrainees who can show prove that one of the parent is a pastor in any bible believing church shall be awarded Grace Scholarship to be trained in SKILLTEC.
Your genorosity will go a long way to help a pastor's kide and encourage the pastors to continue doing God's work on earth.
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Widows and underprivileged children who can provide evidence shall be awarded scholarship Grace Scholarship to be trained in SKILLTEC.
Your genorosity will go a long way to help a trainee in need.
Donate inDidactic materials to help improve trainees knowledge and understanding including but not limited to tabels, chairs, writing boads, flip chats/bold markers, text books, exercise books, computers/laptops, etc.
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